Lot 3 Section 1, Bowen St, Hill End

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Crown Plan: 41-1742
Title Type:Grant Upon Purchase of Improved Crown Lands (879)
Title Date: 27 Sep 1873
Title Volume / Folio No.: 169-135
Area: 34¾ perches
Original Sale Price: £6-10-0
Acquired by: INCH Charles - 27 Sep 1873
of Hill End

ACKLAND Thomas - 12 Apr 1882
a Cabinet Maker of Hill End

EVES Frederick - 12 Jun 1894
Gold Miner of Hill End

WALKER Richard - 22 Dec 1897
Miner of Hill End

HODGE Alfred Harold - 18 Sep 1917
Baker of Hill End

FLYNN Dorothy May - 26 Aug 1946
wife of William George Flynn a Grazier of Duramana. Application by Transmission

DENMAN Veronica Violet - 25 May 1948
wife of George Denman a Butcher of Hill End

Lot 3 Section 1, Bowen St, Hill End

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Lot 3 Section 1, Bowen St, Hill End

The Red Icon Point will mark the centre of the Lot

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Lot 3 Section 1, Bowen St, Hill End

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