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25 January 2024

(Information to be added when found)

The first mention of a Cricket Club is in March 1853 when a Cricket Team from Tambaroora was to play a match against a Bathurst Side. The location of the match was undecided at the time of the publication of the article.

In April of the same year a match was played between two local sides, and in what was to become part of the Australian culture in any sport, the post celebrations that night were as impressive as the Cricket match itself.

To mark the reduction in the licensing fee for gold digging in October 1853 two teams of Tambaroorans celebrated by playing Cricket.

Further mention of Cricket matches appear in June 1862, a final match of the season was to be played by two local teams, the Garibaldi Club against the Union Club. The club names may have been influenced by local mining features, e.g., the Garibaldi Reef.

The Cricket Ground mentioned in the articles above was located behind the National School on Section 12 and 11. It is believed that the cricket pitch is still in existence thou now buried under overburden.

(To be Continued)